Saturday, March 23, 2013

IPQ1649X - 1080P Outdoor IP Camera with 5 Megapixel sensor 40m IR

This will be my review of the IPQ1649X - 1080P Outdoor IP Camera with 5 Megapixel sensor 40m IR from

I bought this camera about a year ago as can be read in my previous blog entry. I was on a quest for a good but cheap Megapixel IP camera and this camera would have been the 'holy grail' if it had worked correctly. A lot has happened since then!
More about that later, first some specifications:

  • 1/2.5" 5 megapixel CMOS Color Sensor
  • TI DaVinci DM368 DSP
  • Main stream: 2 MP:1920×1080@25 fps; 3 MP:2048×1536@18 fps; 5 MP:2592×1920@10 fps
  • H.264 video encoding
  • Support for in camera motion detection
  • 2 high power IR LED's providing up to 40m night vision
  • Supports BNC Video output
  • Aluminum Alloy Shell in Whole Machine Casting providing Perfect Thermal Conductivity & Stability and Unique Waterproof IP66 Design 
  • DC 12V@2A Power input
  • There are 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 12mm and 16mm lenses available, by default it has an 8mm lens. All lenses are IR corrected. (The one in the examples has a 6mm lens)

The camera provides outstanding picture qualities. Both picture quality during the day and night time is very very good! Among the best I have ever seen from an IP camera, only companies such as mobotix provide better picture quality, but those are in a 10x price class, so not really comparable.

I use it exclusively in 5MP mode. The lower modes do not scale the image but basically crop the pixels that are read from the sensor. So 1080p seems more 'zoomed' in then 5MP. This is an illusion, it's just that the 5MP has more pixels, not that less pixels are zoomed in, the picture just seems bigger on your monitor.

Sadly, not all was perfect with the camera. Although the camera displayed great image quality and sharpness during day and night it had one fatal flaw. It's RTSP streaming was flawed and would either stop of become corrupt making it unusable.

Since then I've done some extensive research into this camera and the components used. It turns out that there are a lot of models using the same TI Da Vinci DM368 DSP's. The securitycamera2000 website seems to be using this DSP regulaly combined with either a 3 Megapixel or 5 Megapixel CMOS sensor, but also other vendors have models that use this chip so basically based on the same design and firmware (From what I have been able to tell). The Texas Instruments DSP comes in 2 variations the DM368 (Dual-Core) and the DM365 (Single-Core).

Some specifications:
TI Da Vinci DM368 DSP    -    2 MP:1920×1080@25 fps; 3 MP:2048×1536@18 fps ;5 MP:2592×1920@10 fps
TI Da Vinci DM365 DSP    -    1 MP:1280×720@25 fps; 2 MP:1920×1080@18 fps; 3 MP:2048×1536@12 fps ;5 MP:2592×1920@8 fps

As you can see, these DSP's are quite powerful and are listed based on at what speed they can do 25FPS/30FPS. For the DM365 that's 720p and for the DM368 that's 1080p. But, both can be coupled with the 5 Megapixel sensor and then the difference isn't much at that resolution. DM365 gives you 8FPS @ 5MP and the DM368 gives you 10FPS @ 5MP.

Some sample videos: (Please watch using 'original' quality setting and full screen)

Early beginning of the evening during late sun. Excellent sharpness and picture quality

 A few hours later, same scene. Lit mostly by IR. Again, Excellent sharpness and picture quality

While it was snowing. With the new firmware you see that it now displays the correct day of the week and current bitrate

In pitch black darkness, only lit by the IR of the camera. Excellent quality!

During the day, still bad weather, filmed at 5FPS

A 28 minute timelapse of 5 days using this camera and my VLC TimeLapse method

Comparable hardware:
This camera DSP system is used in many cameras:

Securitycamera2000    -    IPQ1649X, IPQ1652X, IPQ1645X, IPQ1653X, etc.
Saferguard    -    SG-F16HN
CCDCam    -    EC-IP5911, EC-IP5811, EC-IP5913P
SMTSEC    -    SIP-H06H
HIKvision    -    DS-2CD886BF-E
N-City    -    NP-1080P

If you search a bit you can find many different models with similar specifications.

The Initial Problem:
As I said, I have had this camera for almost a year now and although it works, it did not work for all the intended uses I wanted to use it for and even for the purpose I did use it for it was flawed with corrupt images, etc.

I have always believed that the hardware itself was good, but that the problem was firmware. I have bugged securitycamera2000 now and then and they have provided me with several new version over this timespan. But a few days ago I started googling around a bit, also inspired by the following excellent blog post (If you are interested in this type of camera, be sure to also read is blog post. He also has some excellent sample videos!). If there are so many models of this hardware out there, how can anybody seriously use it? The comments in the blog post confirmed I was not the only one having problems.

Newer Firmware:
So, let me walk you through the firmware versions that exist (I will offer all for download), what upgrade path to follow and the firmware and settings I am using currently that have been performing perfectly for the past 2 days.

My camera came with firmware_T38ABFG006-V2.2.0_20120425115441 as firmware. This is the oldest version I encountered. There is a slightly newer build available too firmware_T38ABFG006-V2.2.0_20120510141501.

Then it goes to a newer version number. First there is firmware_TS38ABFG006-V2.3.0_20120709113941 which can then be upgraded to firmware_TS38ABFG006-NVR-V2.3.0_20120709113956. This firmware seems to be a version tailored to NVR's.

After that it gets a bit more complex. First we have version firmware_TS38ABFG006-V2.4.0_20120831152811.

Since that build, multiple versions seem to exist which offer different functionality. I will list the firmwares:


As you can see these firmware seem to offer a different feature set. The first is tailored to ONVIF (Tested and working) and the second is called VNF0 and is actually compiled in 2013! Good to see work on the firmware is still being done!

I am currently running the firmware_TS38ABFG006-ONVIF-V2.4.2_20121220193656 version which seems to have my 'miracle cure'.

--update-- 2013-04-08
A comment mentioned a newer firmware version available. After a bit of searching I was able to find it. You can download it here: firmware_TS38ABFG-N-CITY-ONVIF-V2.4.4_20130226213309.bin. Upgrading didn't go very smooth, I tried 10 times and while the message said "succesfull" in reality it booted up with the old firmware. Only when I reset the camera to default values did the firmware apply correctly. I have tested it and it seems to work fine for now. 

--update-- 2013-05-25
After a few searches on the internet I have been able to find a newer version of the firmware for our camera's. It's: firmware_TS38ABFG006-ONVIF-V2.4.6_20130418204812.bin. So it seems to be a bit newer again. As always you can download it from my server by clicking the name.
I have also updated the TSConfigIPC to version which ships with this firmware. It seems to bring some interesting changes! Now, when changing tabs it will display a loading timer for instance.
Another tip, when upgrading the firmware, temporarily decrease the resolution from 5Mpix to 1080p for instance. This way I was able to upgrade with only one try!

--update-- 2013-06-24
New firmware has surfaced! This time it's firmware_TS38ABFG006-ONVIF-V2.4.6.2_20130609085722.bin. Seems from June, so quite new. No changelog, but I did notice it forced me to install a new version of the 'tsconfigipc.exe' plugin. This plugin now has version As always the downloads are available from my own FTP server. I uploaded the firmware and everything is behaving fine. If anyone notices significant changes, let me know through a comment!
(It seems in VBR I'm seeing better use of bitrate (more dropping and raising) then before, can someone confirm that?)

--update-- 2013-10-31
And again new firmware has surfaced. Thank you commenter which made me aware of this. This time it's version so I thought it would be nice to make a new post about it. You can find it here: Further updates will continue in this post.

--update-- 2014-09-16
TPsee is still working on the firmware for our camera's and still brings out new firmware now and then. Since a little while datacompboy is also making custom firmware for our devices which include the newest version and some TCPfixes he puts into it. You download the firmware from my FTP here. And remember, if you are unable to upgrade, first revert back to 720p mode and try the upgrade again. The 5Mpix mode probably uses too much money.

Default settings:
When doing firmware updates keep the following details at hand:

Default Username : Admin
Default Password: 123456

Default IP's: ;

When trying to connect to the camera for the first time try putting IE into compatibility mode if the page doesn't show up correctly. Also the page tries to install a program called TSConfigIP.7z but fails because of default protective settings in Windows. To make things a bit easier I have uploaded that file so you can install it manually: TSConfigIPC.7z . This is version 1.0.18 of the TSConfig program, most camera firmware offers you an older version.

Best Firmware: (at the time of writing)
This firmware looks a lot different then it did before. First of all it adds ONVIF support which means you can use the ONVIF Device Manager. In testing this worked fine, found the camera automatically and showed the video. Not all the settings work, but you can use the web interface for that. My other cameras are not any different.

Before the firmware would be a webpage on which the settings could be entered. This never really worked reliably. First it starts that it only works in IE, this is something many camera vendors share, but with this camera, it won't even allow you to login without it! That hasn't changed with this new firmware.

Second is that the settings menu was on the webpage itself while now it's in a separate window that popsup. The biggest improvement with this is that the settings now 'stick'. Before if you would change you 'video properties' all settings would be reset to 0 everytime you refresh the page.This was quite an annoying 'feature'. I'm glad to report that in this new version your previous settings appear and you can adjust what you need and save without problems.

But from what I remember of the old firmware, a lot more settings have been added. One of those is to set the camera into English mode permanently and also display the correct day of the week or current bitrate in the overlay. And this is also where the fix comes in.

I believe that in previous firmware I was not able to select if the RTSP stream should be either UDP or TCP. In this firmware I can!

All in All, this firmware makes a much better impression and it seems stable and usable now. This is the first firmware which allows me to use xpslit to stream for more then 10 to 15 minutes. Test of 24Hr+ have worked without a hitch.

Also, using VLC or the newest builds of FFMPEG there is no corruption whatsoever. But more on this later in a new blog post.

I have not tested all internal features such as motion detection or FTP upload since I use Genius Vision to do those things for me.

Some new interface shots:

New first screen, now always in English if set!

New in camera screen. All the PTZ stuff doesn't work of course, but taking a picture and such does! Also the video preview isn't screwed up anymore like it was before

First of the new settings screen. This is now a 'windows' pop-up

The new mediastream tab. Allows you to select UDP instead of TCP

The same settings as in the previous web version, but now your settings stick after reloading!

Edit the camera overlay. Now with English text and realtime bitrate

Streaming parameters have remained mostly the same. Note: Using 5Mpix mode disables the secondary stream

Current firmware version I am using. To download, check above

So, it's reliable now and the image quality is great! That means I can now wholeheartedly recommend this camera for anyone looking for a great security camera for a low price.

If you wish to use the camera with direct RTSP instead of ONVIF you can use the following RTSP line:


You can turn RTSP username and password on or off in the settings.

There are still some minor issues with the camera, they don't really bother me, but might bother you.
  • The board above the lensmount (CS mount) seems to be glued on, so removing or changing the lens might be hard or even impossible
  • No built-in POE (I solve this with a simple passive POE block)
  • Active Night/Day detection is not working correctly. Select 'day and night' and use the set times to go from color to black&white
As I have mentioned before. I seem to be getting stream corruption using Genius Vision, but I believe I have found the root cause of this. I will make a new blog post about that.

Grade: 9/10
Conclusion: A great camera for a very good price. I can recommend it without reservation. Also has been responsive in support and communication towards me, I would definitely buy there again.

Any comments, questions, or else is very welcome in the comments!


  1. Hey, I found your review through your comment on the DyTechMod review of EC-IP5911P.

    I am definitely going to try the ONVIF firmware and see if it works (I hope I don't brick a cam!).

    Did you also try the VNF0 firmware? If so, what was different about it?

    1. Hi Brian,

      Yeah, I tried it but it came up with the same old web interface which still didn't work correctly so I tried the ONVIF firmware and that performed a lot better in my opinion!

      I just made a little edit in the article to state the following details which can be interesting when you are doing firmware upgrades: Default IP's, Default Login/Pass, TSConfigIPC utility install.

      Be sure to check my article about RTSP stream corruption. I'll also be updating that post soon because I've discovered more problems. And while they seem to point towards the camera at first it turns out the problems are still in FFMPEG.

      Let me know how it goes!

  2. I also tried to update to VNF0 but it wouldn't work. It rebooted back into the same firmware I was coming from.

    The ONVIF version worked flawlessly (as far as I could tell) in the web config and in VLC media player, but not in Blue Iris. I was lucky to get 1 frame every 5 seconds in Blue Iris. Most of the time it simply failed to load the video stream altogether. Definitely a compatibility issue here. Unfortunately Blue Iris doesn't have a lot of configuration options like Genius Vision does, so there is really nothing I can do about it. So I uploaded 2.4.0 again and I am back to running 5MP / 2000 Kbps / I-Frame Interval 10 / 10 FPS. This is the most stable configuration I've come up with that doesn't limit the field of view. But it still screws up as much as 10 or 20 times a day, causing Blue Iris to lose the video for 30 seconds or so each time.

    I look forward to seeing what else you've discovered.

    1. Wow, it worked that bad? How odd. It works for me in Xsplit, VLC, mplayer, ffmpeg and Genius Vision! Did you adjust the stream to UDP? And maybe you could try resetting your settings to default.

      What I have learned about the firmware updates is that you need to do it in a certain order. Maybe play around with that a bit. I got mine to run the VNF0 version at some point.

      Too bad to hear that Blue Iris does not support you to change the packet size buffers. Maybe get in touch with them so they can implement it, or switch to Genius Vision, it's free for personal use! ;)

  3. If you can't change firmware (reboot before and of update), keep trying again and again.
    I tried 7 times before being able to go from my EC-IP5911 to this firmware : TS38ABFG-N-CITY-ONVIF-V2.4.4_20130226213309


    1. I found the firmware on a forum, thnx's for the hint! I will post a download link in the article as an update.

      I too have noticed that uploading new firmware doens't always work flawlessly, but for me it meant using the right order and indeed trying a few times sometimes.

    2. I couldn't get it to upgrade, but after resetting the camera to default values and then trying it worked first try!

  4. I have found that lowering the video resolution to 960 helps make firmware updating more likely to succeed.

    However none of the newer firmwares I tried (2.4.2 VNF0, 2.4.2 ONVIF, 2.4.4 ONVIF) were able to stream steadily to VLC or Blue Iris at 5MP / 6000 Kbps. Back to low res for me.

    1. I don't understand why it won't work for you. Especially VLC (Can't say much about Blue Iris, I'll have to test it sometime) should work perfectly. For me it's been 100% reliable as can be seen for instance in the timelapse video. That's multiple 12Hr connections to the camera without fail (some gray frames sometimes appear but they are few in number).

      What settings are you trying? For me the one's in the screenshot work best.

      Maybe the following tips will help?
      - Update VLC to the newest version
      - Disable "baseprofile" (Genius Vision also won't work with it on)
      - Enable UDP streaming
      - Select the key frame interval to be a multiple of 10 (Such as 40 or 50)
      - I have authentication disabled, no clue if it matters
      - VBR or CBR doesn't seem to matter in my case. Also 6000 or 8000 bitrate is fine
      - I have any internal storage options explicitly disabled, because I don't have them
      - Check the logfiles in the camera to see if something goes wrong?
      - Is a ping to the camera stable from your camera server and other PC's?

      Really wondering why this is happening in your case. I hope we can figure it out!

  5. After much tinkering I have managed to come up with reasonably stable configuration.

    5 MP
    2000 Kbps CBR
    Frame rate 10
    I-frame interval 10
    BaseProfile disabled

    Actual bit rate is 300-400 kB/s reported by Blue Iris for the outdoor cams, 200 kB/s for the one I keep in the garage.

    I've been running all 3 cameras like this for about a week with only about 5 dropouts logged altogether. However during the day there are occasional (sometimes frequent) 1 or 2 second pauses which don't get logged and sometimes (rarely) bits of corruption lasting ~1 frame as seen in your more problematic timelapse videos.

    Even at the low bit rate, video quality remains good enough to make this preferable against the more stable 960p option ("960p" really looks about like 640x480 that has been upscaled!). I've tried at 4000 Kbps but it was much less stable and 8000 Kbps did not work at all.

    If I configure a camera like in your screenshot, VLC shows all kinds of fancy corruption patterns in the lower part of the image and never seems to recover. I could have sworn it worked better when I tried it in March, but certainly not now! The camera is unusable in Blue Iris when configured like this.

    I don't know whether to blame the video encoders or the decoders here. Probably a bit of both. In case you are curious, this thread has a discussion of similar camera instability in Blue Iris:

  6. realy rtsp tcp not worked corupted :(

    1. I am not really getting your comment. My camera had problems, but with the right settings and firmware my RTSP streaming (Over UDP mind you) is working fine now.
      - What program are you trying to view the RTSP stream in?
      - Why the requirement for TCP and not using UDP?
      - If it's the bottom part that is corrupted, can you adjust the packet buffer size as shown in my other article? (

      I'm willing to help if I can, but I might need a bit more information.

    2. I spent a lot of tests and I can say that TCP does not work in camera.
      The reason for this is not fully working TCP stack.
      When the camera and the server data is lost then the server requests them resending and the camera does not send data on the server thinks that the camera is not available, server reconnect camera more and more and more camera offline if more reconects.

      realy install camera bad internet have packet lost camera not work, any other camera work this tcp stack problem software. this camera only local usage not use over internet!

      UDP over internet bad idea lost packet not resend.
      TCP over internet nice idea camera not work tcp (work no packet resent) ((.

      i have 30+ camera bye chip this realy bad camera use from interent

    3. Thnx's for the reply all!

      You could very well be right about the TCP part! Since the firmwares that I have posted above I have been able to switch the camera to UDP (was not possible with the firmware before that) and that way I have a 100% reliable connection to the camera, no connection or drops either in VLC, Genius Vision or xsplit.

      So your conclusion that the TCP implementation is broken could actually be quite correct! Hopefully they will be able to fix that in a future firmware implementation.

      I only use the camera's on a local LAN, so I wouldn't know how well it works over the internet.

  7. hi,
    since you have the camera in your hand, can you please help me with some information

    i am interested to use a similar (LIZ40N200/LID40N200) camera in a location with only a network storage available (ftp or samba or anything openwrt can do), hence no pc, and no nvr

    can this camera save full resolution motion detected video to a ftp server? also, will it remove the oldest video on ftp account full?

    another one, is its linux os user customizable ? like using your own scripts, or running other linux programs ? can you telnet or ssh to it?

    thnx alot, sky

    1. Hey sky, sadly I do not use the camera in such a way and have never tested it. I'll try and do some tests when I can, but maybe someone else who reads this might want to comment.

      I don't believe it'll be the strongest feature of the camera though. From what I have read at least.

      I use it only with ONVIF/RTSP on local LAN.

    2. another one, is its linux os user customizable ? like using your own scripts, or running other linux programs ? can you telnet or ssh to it?

      no not ssh not telnet. :(

    3. Sadly, not possible. No SSH or Telnet access

  8. Hi! Thx for a great post!
    I am very frustrated that 1080p stream is a crop of 5MP. 5MP demonstrates best quality but 10fps is to low.
    As I did understand this camera has 2MP sensor which means that 5MP is extrapolated resolution. Native resolution for 2MP sensors is 1080p (1080*1920=2MP). It seems to be a software(or marketing) bug that 1080p crops "scaled" 5MP.

    Have you tried 1080p on other firmware?

    1. Hi Grigory,

      I believe you are incorrect in your statement, at least, with the camera versions I have experience with.

      Mine most definitely has a 5Mpix sensor coupled with a Ti DaVinci DM368. Of course, it's possible to couple a 2Mpix sensor with the same module, but if 5Mpix is available in your software and it looks better and 1080p is cropped, I'm quite certain you also have a 5Mpix sensor.

      About the cropping, I believe that is just how the system works. I do not believe it has the processing power to resize the image real-time. If you really need 25FPS/30FPS for your purpose your stuck with the cropping. It probably has something to do with the available bandwith from the sensor to the SOC. You can either get a higher framerate with less pixels, or more framerate with more pixels.

      Maybe you can compensate with your lens width? In the end, you are getting what you want (1080p25/1080p30) but I can understand the crop messes with your field of view. From what I can understand a general DM368 based camera can go down to about 4mm max.

      Hopefully this helps you! :)

  9. Hi,
    I would like to thank you for your review and also other posters about newer firmware etc. I have a pleasure to have four EC-IP5912 from CCDCam, it uses the TS38F2 module.
    I did noticed the internal storage options in the firmware. Asking the CCDCam support, they told me that the Flash card/USB support is optional and really pricy. So I did some searching and I did managed to successfully attach internal USB 2.0 flash stick. As everybody know, those cameras has really great self-alert system. I do not want to have any additional expensive NVR. The internal Video storage with instant ftp-upload is good for me.
    If anybody would make a benefit from my guide how to connect internal USB-flash I'll be happy to post it somewhere.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you very much for your comment. Always nice to receive thanks. :)

      I would actually be very interested in a guide on how to add internal USB-Flash storage with the Ti Da Vinci camera's! I'm sure that could be quite the help for some people. If you can't host it yourself, send me an e-mail and would be willing to put it online on this site?

    2. Hi, I recently got an Aotec W897G-B PoE, with T38F031-ONVIF V2.4.6.2 build 2013-05-31 11:50:37 fw.

      I have not been able to get SMTP to work with motion detection, some suggests that internal storage is needed for this, so I'd be very interested in hearing about your findings. I found a small connector inside, 5 pins if I remember correctly. Is that possibly the USB connection?


    3. Sadly, I don't know. I haven't used the motion sensing or recording in the camera. I have tested it a few times but for me it also didn't work and came to the same conclusion as you have, you probably need internal storage for that to work.

      Since I use Genius Vision for all the capturing and motion detection, I never looked into it much further.

      I hope you can get it working!

  10. Sometime in the next few weeks I will make a new post with some new camera's. I have recently bought 6 new camera's with either the DM365 or DM368 Ti Da Vinci SOC. They are working quite well, so, more about that soon. :)

  11. Hi I just purchased a CCDCAM 130A and that should be compatible with IP9511, it has a 5Mp chip. I use UC software and have read the manual without getting wiser. I get connection with camera, can read all params and flip the IR filter, but no picture. What are the most important setup params from default in UC to get picture, mine is totally black, no stream at all.
    Grateful for hints / Ake W, Sweden

  12. Hey, I just made it, got a nice picture in Explorer, thanks to the 'tsconfigipc.exe' plugin, provided in this blog. Thanks for that, I'm happy.
    It would still be interesting to make it work in UC though if anyone have a hint about the configuration.

    Ake W, Sweden

    1. Hey there, good to know you finally got a see a picture. From your description it would have been very well possible your camera was broken.

      Sadly, I do not use UC. I use either Genius Vision, VLC or Xsplit with my camera's. So I can't really say much about it. :(

      I hope you are able to fix your problems or maybe try a different security software application? Genius Vision has a 'free' Community edition which works quite well in my opinion.

    2. Hi again, I found Genius Vision and have it up and running. It looks good, I think I will use it instead of UC. I have put the camera in my spacetelescope and right now I am looking at a neibours flag pole top 100 yards away. It fills most of the picture. The manual and configuration is rather understandable in Genius, took me just 15 minutes to get it working, after trying for hours with UC.
      Thanks a lot / Ake

  13. Thank you Quindor for this blog!

    Did any of you have any success with any Android client? I have had success only with one app, rtspcamPro, which works great, but it looks a bit dated.


    1. Also thank you Quindor for this excellent blog!

      I test the camera with Android app "IP Cam Viewer" and setting (Unknown Brand) IPQ1658X. So I can stream the camera to my Android device.

      But my camera is a device from cctvdiscover on ebay.

  14. they fit?
    New firmware:

    1. Hi there, yes that does indeed seem to be new firmware! I don't have a camera up and running right now but when I do I'll test it and add it too the page. Thnx's for the heads up! :D

  15. Hey Just been extracting firmware( analyzing Cgi files) provided on you page. Found some interesting infos. I was having A lot of issue to get some snapshot. Finally able to get some with Http://Ipaddress/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi? will give you low quality stream. Then for the magic !!!!! to get Hi quality use: Http://Ipaddress/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?stream=0. If you change stream no will change quality. no more need for vlc and ffmpeg to extract still picture... Have fun. From what I know. I did not find any of this on the net even after many hours. I was pi... o... by the camera Ipc-631 made by Cotier. Indeed why I went so deep in the firmware... If you need more info S .A .a .B .M .a .n .@ .g .M .Ai. l ..c . . om....<--- remove the dots and space Thanks And enjoy

    1. Wow that is amazing! Thank you for your hard work!

      I will hook up a camera soon and give it a test! Thank you very much for your hard work. I will make a new article describing how to use it and be sure to give you credit! Awesome

    2. Hi,

      Forgot to tell you... It's at the same time its a security concern since there is no auth needed... argument exist in the cgi but they made a mistake somewhere in the file...
      Other trick.... you can get a low quality Stream by changing rtsp://ip:port(554 by default)/mpeg4cif

      I will dig further the firmware.

    3. Excellent! That worked like a charm on my camera (Aotec W897G-B PoE, with T38F031-ONVIF V2.4.6.2 build 2013-05-31 11:50:37 fw).
      Not sure if I dare upgrade to 2.5 now, when this is working though.. Is it possible to save the old/existing firmware?

      Thanks all,


    4. Wow thank you! I have a TH38R5 and no matter what I do, the H.264 stream causes VLC to crash. At least now I can use the snapshot address in my CCTV software to provide a stable solution. I'm getting around 3fps using snapshot.cgi, which is better than nothing!

      Thanks a million.

  16. can confirm that new firmware from works.

    The biggest improvement is faster response in software after installing this firmware.

    Give it a try

    1. I tried the first firmware from there - firmware_TS38ABFG006-ONVIF-V2.4.6.6_20130725175513.bin - on my EC-IP5911 camera and so far so good. I was previously running the ONVIF V2.4.2 build 2012-12-20 and color balance appears to be improved in the new version. Maybe. Need to give it more time to be sure.

      Unfortunately, I tried the http://Ipaddress/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi? recommended above and it doesn't work on either firmware version. Instead, it gives me:

      502 Bad Gateway
      The CGI was not CGI/1.1 compliant.

      Oh well. I guess I still have to use Blue Iris for snapshots. Its a shame because Blue Iris generates them really slowly at 5 MP.

  17. hello.
    How do I reset it? (Reset button is not present.)
    How to do: Reset IP-Camera back to default?
    After the firmware can't find the camera ....

  18. Maybe here's where that is?

    1. Sadly there does not seem to be a reset switch mentioned in the document. I have also never had to reset a camera or lost the IP number, I use a sticker on the side of the camera with the IP address on there. ;)

      If it is because of a firmware flash, did you try: or You have to have an IP in that network yourself too of course.

      I think your best bet would be to use a camera scanning utility, sadly I don't have one at hand right now, but I do believe they exist for our cameras.

      If I can find out a better method I'll let you know. There has to be a reset switch on the board, I just don't know where at this time since I never needed it. Have you opened your camera up?

    2. Thank you.
      Already figured out ..
      I've got it Wi-Fi version, after updating the Wi-Fi switched off in the settings ..
      And in the settings Ethernet was included dhcp, because of this I can `t connect directly to the camera ..
      Connected through a router and it worked ...

  19. New firmware available :

    1. Hey, that's awesome! I have been testing the previous which seemed to work fine. I was going to update this post in the evening, but now it seems I will have to test version first! I wonder if they introduced any new features or made other big changes since this is a mayor new version. Thank you for the heads-up!

      I will, as always, provide a bit better/faster download location for the file and also have the TSConfigIPC as a separate download for people who need it.

  20. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for excellent information I was looking for this information.

    Outdoor security camera & Ford DVD player

  21. Hi, Question, This camera have a WDR funtion??

  22. Hello, is it possible to switch IR-leds of in the settings?

  23. Hi Quindor,

    Excellent blog! You did a very detailed share to others regarding our IPQ1649X, we appreciate!

    Would you mind leaving a review of this camera on our website? I think that will be very helpful for our customers who haven't seen your blog here.

    And if there is any question about this camera, please feel free to contact us, we will try our best to help you.

    Best Regards,

  24. alguem conseguiu usar algum soft de gerenciamento de video com esta camera? se sim qual e qual configuraĆ§Ć£o usou?
    estou usando o firmware 2.5.0......nao consigo usar o soft que vem com ela o UC para ver as imagens pela internet, so vejo pela rede local.


    someone could use some soft management video with this camera? if so where and what settings did you use?
    I'm using firmware 2.5.0 ...... can not use the soft that comes with it the UC to see the images on the Internet, so I see the local network.

    1. i got it. everything is fine now...great camera.
